Five Painters

Simon Rackham

‘Five Painters’ is a series of piano pieces (for piano 3 hands) composed in late December 2021 and early January 2022. The pieces are dedicated to five British painters whose works I admire. 1. For Roger Hilton (1911-1975) 2. For Rose Hilton (1931-2019) 3. For Gillian Ayres (1930-2018) 4. For Patrick Heron (1920-1999) 5. For Howard Hodgkin

‘Five Painters’ is a series of piano pieces (for piano 3 hands) composed in late December 2021 and early January 2022. The pieces are dedicated to five British painters whose works I admire. 1. For Roger Hilton (1911-1975) 2. For Rose Hilton (1931-2019) 3. For Gillian Ayres (1930-2018) 4. For Patrick Heron (1920-1999) 5. For Howard Hodgkin (1932-2017). Rose an exceptionally talented painter in her own right married Roger Hilton in 1965, and he famously announced, “I am the painter in this setup,” so it wasn’t until after his death in 1975 that she resumed her own career. All of the music is diatonic, (with ‘For Patrick Heron’ utilising an odd scale) except ‘For Howard Hodgkin’ which is highly chromatic as are his tremendous paintings.

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